Friday, 12 June 2009
Admen Website Intro.
A adverting agency asked me to design a opening animation for their new website that they were planning on setting up. They wanted something modern that would attract people they had this idea of a light streak that fly’s around then disintegrates to then show the logo. They gave me all the information and were very clear on colour and what should go on in the animation.
This is the start as to can see there is a orange light streak that fly’s around just as they ask. I did the animation in After Effects I started with a few layers I had the background which is black. I then added a solid layer this is for the particles that fly’s around. I used plugging called trapcode particular, this plugging gives you small particles however at a later time I would then can this to run of a layer not the standard particles that it gives you as a default. I then added a light, which I called an emitter I made it a point light. I then added a adjustment layer and called this colour fx this is what changes the colour of the particles. I draw up a shape for the light streak in a new composition then dragged it in to my other composition then linked it to the trapcode particular then changed some settings in the trapcode particular. Added a wiggle to the Emitter to make the streak move. I then changed the colour with a hue and saturation then added a glow.
I panned a camera to zoom into the light streak I felt very confident in doing this piece of work as I have done a similar thing before. I didn’t really hit any problems. I didn’t know how I was going to make the streak sort off disintegrate. I then found a plugging called cc scatterize.
This is the effect of the cc scatterize this is just what I wanted I then wanted it to materialize back to the Admen logo.
I am very please with the final outcome and so were the designers at Admen this is now being used on their website as a opening page.
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Jonathan Topliss

- Jonathan Topliss
- Burton On Trent, United Kingdom
- I have had experience working at a advertising agency called Admen. I learnt a lot working at Admen, I learnt mock up techniques, presentation skills and use of the air brush. I know a lot about different programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After Effects, Freehand, Flash, Fireworks and 3D programs such as Carrara and Blender. I have a good eye for the latest designs and I am good with ideas. I have currently finished a degree course at Burton College, were I studied creative media production were I learnt graphic design. My areas including graphics like branding, corporate identity, web design, 3D design and animation/motion graphics. Contact me at:
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