Tuesday, 20 October 2009

This is a final design of one on the pieces. One thing I looked at during the design process is the audience. Based on my research I realised that most decorating tools such as abrasives look like they are mainly aimed for men and seem to be dated. So with that in mind I wanted to find away to steer away from the dated look aimed for men and create something modern and aimed for women as well as.
So my main thing to look at was to think of colours that can appeal to both male and female. So I wanted to go with modern colours that are not harsh to look at but also stand out. Also I was still thinking about this textured background and ways to show what the product does. So I went with the different images showing the strengths of the abrasives. After the designs were finished I sent them to Harris for the approval and the feedback was better than I imagined they decided to go with the designs and how they thought that the colours worked well. The advertising agency were really please I did so well and were glad that I understood they were busy themselves with work and didn’t have to step in at all with my work.
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Jonathan Topliss

- Jonathan Topliss
- Burton On Trent, United Kingdom
- I have had experience working at a advertising agency called Admen. I learnt a lot working at Admen, I learnt mock up techniques, presentation skills and use of the air brush. I know a lot about different programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After Effects, Freehand, Flash, Fireworks and 3D programs such as Carrara and Blender. I have a good eye for the latest designs and I am good with ideas. I have currently finished a degree course at Burton College, were I studied creative media production were I learnt graphic design. My areas including graphics like branding, corporate identity, web design, 3D design and animation/motion graphics. Contact me at: jonathan_topliss@yahoo.co.uk
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